
The Science & The Sacred: Episode #5 My Experience With Ectopic Pregnancy Pt.2

podcast Jul 26, 2023

Episode #4 My Experience With Ectopic Pregnancy Pt.2

Welcome to Episode 5 of the Science & The Sacred

In this episode, I speak about the range of emotions I have been going through after having an ectopic pregnancy and what tools have helped me to stay supported during this time.

I explain how a solid support system, therapy, and the self-care strategies available to me really helped me to stay grounded. However, I did struggle with not being able to work, sea swim or physically move my body and had to learn to fully surrender to what was happening to me.

Through my own work with Cyclical Wisdom ( Menstrual Cycle Awareness & The Celtic Wheel), I was able to place my experiences into a framework that made sense to me. I explain how going from a very " Summery" part of my life into the depths of "Winter" allowed me to recognise my need to slow down, simplify, and surrender.


About Ectopic Pregnancies

All information is taken from the and

An ectopic pregnancy is where a fertilised egg implants outside of the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tube, but it can happen on the ovary, the cervix or the abdominal cavity.



  • pain in your tummy, especially down one side 
  •  pain when peeing or pooing
  • upset stomach or diarrhoea 
  • vaginal bleeding or brown/watery discharge 
  • constant pain in the tip of your shoulder
  • confirmed pregnancy test/missed period


Go to ED immediately if:

  • severe, sudden, or sharp pain in your tummy
  • collapse or feel very dizzy or faint
  • feel unwell or pale, cold and clammy


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